I am Inge, change agent, communication fanatic and writer. Transformation is fundamental and it is my playing field. I work with organisations, teams and individuals. Though I start to devote myself more and more to my writing (after all, it is my belief that fiction is pivotal in the change to a better/sustainable world), I love my (professional) work: since November 2020 I am Corporate Director Communications and Marketing at Wageningen University and Research (wur.nl).
My approach is based on three pillars:
- story changes systems & communication is key in any (change) process
- systems thinking (I’m trained in (the Lewis Method of) Deep Democracy and intuitive systemic coaching (‘family and organisational constellations’)
- conversation, facilitation, moderation, listening.
Since I swapped the world of oil for that of campaigning for a greener, more social world in 2008, I only want to work ‘for good’, contribute to making this world a better place. I thrive on creating transformative communication strategies.
I believe that borders are imaginary, true listening an art, and am convinced of the power of fiction. I write lyric essays, poetry and am currently writing my first novel.
Why The Butterfly Effect?
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
Eleanor Roosevelt
I believe in the phenomenon that a small piece of work can actually create a big effect; the butterfly effect. A butterfly was once a caterpillar and went through a tough transformation process to get to a new beginning. Change programmes can be like that, tough and challenging, but ultimately very rewarding. Also, a butterfly is a gentle creature. This represents the way I like to work: with my clients and their processes, they know their work the best. I am here to support and, where so desired, challenge and provoke.