Communications as a force for good

Communications as a force for good

May 2019, an artist’s studio in Amsterdam. A small group of communications & marketing professionals from diverse backgrounds had come together to explore, debate, address agency for their profession. Together they covered areas as broad as aviation, consulting, pharmaceuticals, insurance, academia and advocacy. They had been working together for a while, virtually and with a larger group of peers. The aim to put their ideas and dreams into an inspiring framework to guide and enable the communications and marketing function to become a force for good.

Summer Ideas

The delight of laying down at the beach, reading that thick historical novel or sitting beside the pool with that juicy romance might be very different this time around or not possible. You might need that book to transport you, to take you to the places that you cannot visit right now.

Op het kruispunt

Ken je dat gevoel dat je je bevindt op een kruispunt? Je staat voor een dilemma en moet een belangrijke beslissing nemen. Dit kan op het werk zijn, maar ook in een privésituatie. Je wilt ‘doorgaan’. Herken je daarbij de neiging die beslissing eerder te snel te nemen? Vast. We doen het allemaal.

At a crossroads

Do you know that feeling of finding yourself at a crossroads? You are faced with a dilemma and need to make an important decision. This could be at work, could be in a private situation. You want to ‘get on with it’. Do you recognise a need to take that decision rather too quickly? I am pretty sure you do. We all go through the motions sometimes.

Fiction and Embodiment - Fiction Friday

I’ve been thinking about the body. We all have one. And the Covid-19 pandemic exposes us to this truth: no matter our knowledge economy, no matter our technologies and trinkets, no matter our insights and strategies, in the end we are but frail flesh.

Is it possible for a ‘head’ thing properly to capture embodiment? Examples in fiction seem few and far between. Two, however, jumped at me from the shelf, and spoke to each other as well as to me.